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*Randy Orton vs. Alberto Del Rio

Del Rio covers for the pin but Sheamus puts Orton’s foot on the bottom rope, breaking the pin. Del Rio argues with Sheamus and turns around to a big RKO from Orton. Orton covers for the win.
Winner: Randy Orton

- Cole hypes that CM Punk will name his new #1 contender later tonight. We see the video of Punk speaking after SummerSlam about retaining the WWE Title.

*Brodus Clay vs. Damien Sandow

Clay with a headbutt to the chest. Clay misses another splash and Sandow rolls him up out of nowhere for the win.
Winner: Damien Sandow

- After the match, Clay grabs Sandow and hits him with a big suplex. Clay splashes Sandow and dances as his dancers join him in the ring. Several kids wearing John Cena t- also come in to dance.

- Cole shows us some of the Superstar tweets on Triple H’s future. Still no mention of the Tout video from Brock Lesnar announcing he’s leaving WWE that was posted a little while ago.

- We see Shawn Michaels at home being prepped for the satellite interview. Shawn has his arm in acast. We go to commercial.

- Back from the break and we see footage of Brock Lesnar attacking Shawn Michaels on last week’s RAW. Cole is live via satellite with Shawn Michaels from his home in Texas. Cole asks his feelings on what happened at SummerSlam. Shawn says he thinks he knows what’s going through Triple H’s head right now. Shawn talks about preparing for your career to end but says there’s really nothing that prepares you for that day. Shawn says Triple H is a warrior and always has been, a man of honor and integrity – something Heyman and Lesnar would know nothing about, he says. Shawn says Triple H gave everything he had every night and SummerSlam was no exception. Shawn wonders if things would have been different if he was in Triple H’s corner. Shawn says he should have told Triple H the truth – that he didn’t think Triple H could beat Lesnar. Shawn starts to get emotional and says Triple H has nothing to be ashamed of. Shawn calls him one of the greatest Superstars to ever live. Shawn says he has always respected him and will always be proud of him, and always love him. Shawn thanks Triple H for a job well done on behalf of the WWE Universe. We go back to commercial.

*David Otunga vs. Big Show

Otunga tries to fight back again but has no luck. Show with knees to the head. Show with another big slam and the knockout punch for the win.
Winner: Big Show

- We see the video of Big Show venting after SummerSlam and wondering when he will get a singles match.

*Zack Ryder and Kane vs. The Miz and Daniel Bryan

Bryan leaves the ring and runs through the crowd. Kane stops chasing him and grabs Ryder. Kane hits a big chokeslam on Ryder and immediately starts tearing up everything at ringside. Kane grabs a WWE crew member and tosses him over the barrier. Kane goes back in the ring to Ryder and lays him out with a Tombstone Piledriver. Kane runs off to the back as trainers come down to check on the timekeeper who was assaulted. No Winners.

- We see the video of John Cena reacting to SummerSlam after the WWE Title match. Matt Striker is backstage now with WWE Champion CM Punk. Punk wonders who his next opponent is and says he’s already beat everyone. Punk is going to pick someone that a lot of people say Punk can’t beat. John Cena. Punk says under one condition and he will call Cena out in the ring later tonight to see if Cena accepts this condition. Punk says he is going to demand respect tonight.

#1 Contenders Battle Royal: Eve Torres, Kelly Kelly, Kaitlyn, Aksana, Natalya, Alicia Fox, Tamina, Rosa Mendes

WWE Divas Champion Layla is at ringside for this one. It comes down to Kaitlyn and Eve. Kaitlyn with an uppercut and a clothesline but Eve doesn’t go. Kaitlyn hits another clothesline and Eve is gone.
Winner and New #1 Contender: Kaitlyn

- Layla looks shocked at ringside as Kaitlyn celebrates in the ring. Layla claps for Kaitlyn and it appears Eve has a cut on her face.

- We get more stills from Lesnar vs. Triple H at SummerSlam. Cole shows us the beginning of RAW where Heyman bragged about Lesnar’s victory. They finally show Brock Lesnar’s new Tout video where he says he is leaving WWE for good.

- We get another Wade Barrett vignette. His fists are his weapons of choice. His barrage cannot be stopped.

- Vickie Guerrero is backstage talking to Dolph Ziggler about his match tonight. She says he must win for her tonight. Ziggler says he has to win this for himself and it’s the biggest match of his career. Vickie is freaking out about how they have to win tonight. Dolph says they will win, grabs his briefcase and walks off.

*Contract vs. Contract Match: Dolph Ziggler vs. Chris Jericho

More back and forth until Jericho hits a bulldog. Ziggler blocks the Lionsault with his knees and hits Zig Zag for the win.
Winner: Dolph Ziggler

- After the match, Ziggler grabs the briefcase and celebrates in the ring with Vickie. We go to replays as Jericho recovers. Dolph runs around and poses on the turnbuckles as Jericho sits there. Jericho grabs the briefcase from Vickie and hits Dolph in the gut with it, then over the back. Jericho hits a Codebreaker and his music hits as Vickie yells at ringside. Jericho waves to the fans as we get another replay. Jericho shakes his head and greets a few fans at ringside on his way up the ramp. Jericho stops and looks back at the crowd as we go to a preview of The Day.

- Back from the break and out comes WWE Champion CM Punk. Punk stops and comes out in front of Jerry Lawler. Punk remembered how Lawler said he turned his back on WWE a few weeks ago. Punk wants Lawler to go ahead and admit that was a lie. Lawler said he meant no malice atall and felt at that moment that he turned his back. Punk wants an apology from Lawler. John Cena’s music hits and out he comes.

Cena hits the ring to a mixed reaction as Punk looks on. Punk asks if Cena could have waited until he called him out. Punk says he has been taking a backseat to Cena, Triple H and The Rock out of respect but respect is a two-way street and it’s never been reciprocated how it should be to him. Punk says people always ask him why he’s not in the main event. Punk says out of respect he has let Cena go on last. Punk says taking a backseat no longer makes any sense. Punk points out he beat Cena last year for the title.

Punk says Cena is the #1 contender because he has to beat him again, because he is going to beat him again. Punk says all Cena has to do is admit Punk is the best in the world. Punk wants Cena to tell the truth. Cena talks about how he hasn’t been WWE Champion in 9 months and how people stick with him through everything and have respect. Cena talks about the city of Fresno and gets them to pop. Cena says he’s not going to let everyone down and won’t be calling Punk the best in the world. Cena says to succeed, he has to believe in his heart that he’s the best. Cena talks about how he didn’t think he would lose to The Rock at WrestleMania and if he gets another chance, he will. Cena goes on and congratulates Punk on his title reign but points out he held it for well over 300 days straight. Cena says during that time he never came out and demanded anything from anyone, inside or out of the ring. Cena says Punk has been WWE Champion for over 270 days and all anyone remembers of him is the night he blew a kiss to Vince McMahon and left town. Cena says he isn’t here to stroke Punk’s ego. Cena offers Punk vindication and tells him to prove it. Cena says he can live with it if Punk doesn’t choose him as #1 contender because he’s confident he can get another title shot. Cena points out that Night of Champions is in his hometown. Cena says if Punk can walk out WWE Champion, that will defy his existence. Cena says the choice is Punk’s.

Cena says if Punk doesn’t choose him, he has no respect for the WWE Title or himself. Cena drops the mic and walks off to the back. Punk turns right to Jerry Lawler and demands the apology again. Punk calls Lawler to the ring for a conversation. Punk says Lawler went too far with what he said and owes him an apology. Lawler says this is all a misunderstanding but if Punk wants him to, he apologizes. Lawler turns to leave but Punk stops him. Punk says if Cena doesn’t want to say it, then he wants to hear Lawler say he is the best in the world. Lawler says he can’t do that and the crowd pops. Lawler goes to leave and Punk kicks him in the back of the head. Punk grabs the WWE Title and kneels down in front of Lawler. Some of the fans boo as Punk just stares at Lawler and RAW goes off the air.


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